the faster the movement of plates the more frequent the earthquakes

the faster the movement of plates the more frequent the earthquakes

Varying between 0 to 100mm per year, the movement of a plate is driven by convection in the underlying hot and viscous mantle.Earthquakes, volcanic activity, mountain-building, and oceanic trench formation occur along plate boundaries in zones that may be anything from a few kilometres to a few hundred kilometres wide. Varying between 0 to 100mm per year, the movement of a plate is driven by convection in the underlying hot and viscous mantle.

DRDEATH. Lv 7. Mankind has long dreamed of a way to predict earthquakes and escape their terrible power. San Andreas. Relevance. Divergent boundaries can form within continents but will eventually open up and become ocean basins.The relative motion of the plates is horizontal.

The faster the movement of plates the more frequent the earthquakes. Rather, stress builds up in both plates and when it exceeds the threshold of the rocks, the energy is released – causing earthquakes. How many times stronger is a magnitude 8.0 earthquake than none at all? false earthquakes happen when the locked plates suddenly shift. False. (true or false)? 0 1 0. The Earth’s outer shell, the lithosphere, consisting of the crust and uppermost mantle, is divided into a patchwork of large tectonic plates that move slowly relatively to each other. Earthquakes are more intense the faster the planet’s crust slams together, which explains why the shaking causes so much damage in some of the most populated areas around mountain chains. Mankind has long dreamed of a way to predict earthquakes and escape their terrible power. The denser plate is subducted underneath the less dense plate. Earthquakes and Plates. There are 7-8 major plates and many minor plates. To watch a simulated fly-by along New Zealand's plate boundary check out Subduction zones occur when one or both of the tectonic plates are composed of oceanic crust. They can occur underwater or on land, and crust is neither destroyed nor created.Because of friction, the plates cannot simply glide past each other. Scientists and amateurs alike have tried to link quakes to phenomena as diverse as animal behavior, tides, weather, the movements of the planets, the rise and fall of … Scientists and amateurs alike have tried to link quakes to phenomena as diverse as animal behavior, tides, weather, the movements of the planets, the rise and fall of water in wells, even to psychic visions.

To ensure the best experience, please update your instrument that records ground position to measure earthquakesthe minimum number of seismograms needed to find the source of a quakea type of plate that is fast moving, young, formed at mid-ocean ridges, and destroyed at subduction zonesa type of plate that is slow moving, old, and buoyantTrue or False; continental plates are often subducteda type of plate boundary where plates move apart; leads to tension; occurs at mid-ocean ridges and spreading centres, leading to small earthquakesa type of plate boundary where plates move past each other, leading to shearing; many quakes occur here with moderate to large intensitya type of plate boundary where plates move toward each other and collide; the less dense plate pushes the other down into subduction zonesTrue or False; Convergent Type 2 boundaries yield the strongest quakesa type of plate boundary where plates move toward each other and collide; neither is pushed into subduction zone and they crumble togetherTrue or False; plates move due to gravity and mantle convectiona geologic feature formed when continental crust separates, magma is released, and cooled by waterisolated regions of high temperature from the mantle; leads to the formation of land mass and volcanoesan area where two plates interact; two plate masses move relative to one anothera type of fault with vertical motion along a slanted planea type of dip slip fault where the slanting plane moves upa type of dip slip fault where the slanting plane moves downa type of fault that is a combo of horizontal and vertical motionTrue or False; the epicentre of a quake is always the area of greatest fault motionan old logarithmic scale used to measure earthquake intensity; not used much as it only works in SoCal with particular devicesa partial measure of earthquake intensity that takes into account the strength of rocks, area of breakage, and the distance the fault has moved; helps determine the moment magnitudea quake with magnitude 7 has up to _____ times as much energy as a magnitude 6also called the focus; the point where energy was released from an earthquake within the Earthwaves from quakes that travel through the interior of materialswaves from quakes that travel only on surfaces; formed when body waves reach the surfacea type of body wave that travels longitudinally; can travel in any materiala type of body wave that travels transversely; only travels through solids and will reflect at liquidsa type of surface wave whereby particles experience a backward rotating motion parallel to the wave; most dangerous as they are large; feels like you're on the oceana type of surface wave whereby particles experience side to side motion perpendicular to a wave parallel to the Earth's surfaceTrue or False; the velocity of waves is larger in denser mediaa qualitative scale to characterize the type of motion experienced from quakes; less accurate for low-grade quakesTrue or False; surface waves are faster than body wavesthe lowest magnitude of detection of quakes by humansTrue or False; rocks are not perfectly elastic, so seismic waves eventually dissipateTrue or False; seismic waves refract and reflect as they move through new mediaTrue or False; waves moving deep through Earth curve due to the increase in velocityTrue or False; quake locations are found by analyzing the difference in arrival times between P and S wavesa device that uses an algorithm and seismometer to calculate magnitudea more accurate type of forecast that states since stress increases gradually, so should the chance of a quakeTrue or False; other quakes in the nearby area do not contribute to the likelihood of one occurringTrue or False; many observations that suggest imminent quakes are electromagnetic - including lights, radio noises, electrical resistivity, etc.True or False; prevention of loses is still better than trying to predict quakesTrue or False; evidence of past quakes in Cascadia are found in tree rings, sediments, tsunami recordings, and oral historiesa type of slip that doesn't result in a quake, and instead relives stress on the platesthe type of motion most buildings aren't prepared to deal witha process whereby explosions are used to harden the ground; used to stabilize the Seymour Daman earthquake damage mitigation technique whereby cross braces and shear walls are added to "soft storeys"a storey whose lateral stiffness is less than 70% of the stiffness of the storey abovean earthquake damage mitigation technique whereby energy is absorbed by using springs and shocks, by isolating the foundation, or by changing the resonant frequencywhen ground is saturated, it can be shaken apart and lose strength and behave like a liquidquakes that often generate large tsunamis due to tremendous stress stored in crusta method that is a way of forecasting that states if a segment of a fault has moved, other segments will move in to fill the gapa phenomenon currently occurring at the San Andreas Fault; all stress is stored as elastic straina representation of ground shaking produced by a quakea type of quake that doesn't occur along fault lines; less severesilent earthquakes are too slow to feel, but we know they happen due to data from ______True or False; most earthquakes occur in just the top 20 km of the Earth's crust because at greater depths rocks behave plasticallyTrue or False; the magnitude of an earthquake is calculated using estimates of seismic wave amplitude and distance to the hypocenterTrue or False; subduction zone earthquakes are the most frequentan area that seismometers can not measure due to the refraction of P-waves that convert to S-waves in the solid inner core, and thus can't enter the outer core

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the faster the movement of plates the more frequent the earthquakes