why did france join the thirty years' war

why did france join the thirty years' war

In 1642, Phillip IV tried to crush the Catalan rebellion but failed.

Why did France join in the Thirty Years' War in 1635, more than twenty years after the war began? They believed that if the Dutch were seen by the Holy Roman Empire to be getting involved militarily in the conflict, it could lead to an invasion of the United Provinces by a Imperial army and that could spell disaster for the Dutch economy.However, the Dutch had set their eyes on a naval success especially in the New World where Habsburg property was vulnerable to attack. 1618 2. a. Gallas had to leave the French campaign and confront the Swedes.


France was not in such a favourable position and Richelieu had to raise loans, sell government offices to the highest bidder (though not necessarily the most talented) and to place government tax inspectors (Intendants) on permanent location in the provinces to ensure that taxes that were due for Paris actually got there.In 1636, came the expected attack on France by the major catholic powers of Europe. asked the tavern drinkers in Goethe’s Faust—and the answer is no easier to find today than in the late 18th, or early 17th, century.

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Cardinal Richelieu, the chief minister of King Louis XIII of France, considered the Habsburgs too powerful because they held a number of territories on France’s eastern border, including portions of the Netherlands. 2.

Though a German state, Trier had been under French protection since 1631. It was commonly thought that Richelieu would be dismissed as a sop to the Cardinal-Infante but Louis XIII stood by him and asked Parisians to be patriotic and supply money to the government in the defence of Paris. In October 1639, the Dutch had beaten a Spanish fleet at the Battle of the Downs. He later recalled him, after the Swedes, led by King Gustavus Adolphus, had successfully invaded the Holy Roman Empire and turned the tables on the Catholics. No-one throughout Europe was particularly surprised by this as in October 1634, the Holy Roman Emperor, King of Spain and the Roman Catholic princes of Germany had agreed to a joint attack on France. There had been a general European desire for peace since 1640, but no one country was prepared to give up hard-won gains.The causes of the Thirty Years War in Western Europe: By 1600, two camps had emerged in western Europe: France and the United Provinces The… The Thirty Years' War was a war fought primarily in Central Europe between 1618 and 1648. The Cardinal had put up a stubborn campaign on the land but the defeat of the Spanish navy at the Battle of the Downs, meant that he could no longer be supplied by sea and the Spanish campaign in Flanders dwindled.The Spanish themselves were also experiencing problems at home. The 30 years war was an effort to stabilize the power of the Holy Roman Empire and to suppress the growing anti Catholic movement of the Protestant Reformation. Louis XIII was simply pre-empting the inevitable : attack before France itself was attacked.The military prospects of France were not good. France had both political and religious motivations for becoming involved in the 30 years war. The Cardinal failed to maintain his push and he too was pushed back from Paris.Though the attack on France failed, the prestige of France as a nation had suffered.

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why did france join the thirty years' war