impacts of economic growth

impacts of economic growth

Increased pollution has also been cited as a downside of economic growth.

As a result, stock prices rise.

But not all the goods and services contribute to economic growth. those that while having low mortality rates, have significant effects on productivity. Also, the average worker in the United States would have had to work for 333 hours to buy a refrigerator.

However, in 2008, this income per capita ratio increased to seventeen to one. They note that there has been a shift in the world distribution of income to the right (See figures 1 and 2 below) and a positive income evolution in most countries worldwide. Although improvements in technology and increased research could also lead to improvements in health care in general, these problems as well as several others are still associated with economic growth. Nevertheless, increased investments in public health, education and other relevant infrastructure could help reduce this adverse effect of income inequality. Experiences such as these could be one of the reasons why some sections of society tend to support institutions and policies which do not necessarily encourage growth. That gives companies capital to invest and hire more employees. Income inequality is a major issue because it leads to a number of other adverse effects.

However, Bloom and Canning (2008) also point out that this can be addressed by, among other things, carrying out low cost health interventions that have large-scale effects on the health of the population and placing a higher priority on dealing with diseases which are ‘neglected’ but widespread, i.e.
As economies continue to experience growth, the amount that is spent on infrastructure such as transportation networks, communication, electricity, gas, water supply as well as various technologies has also increased. Preston (1976) as cited in Bhargava et al (2001) stated that economic development is the most important factor determining life expectancy. Higher economic growth leads to higher tax revenues and this enables the government can spend more on public services, such as health care and education e.t.c. Thoa et al (2013) also note that households which have experienced economic growth spent less on health care, but had better quality care and were better off in terms of utilisation of health services, further noting that these results were statistically significant. Over the years, both the shares of employment in agriculture and manufacturing have experienced a decline, while over 70% of the current U.S. population now work in service industries. Barro and Sala-i-Martin (2004) report that there has been a significant increase in the global per capita GDP from 1970 to 2000 with the average person clearly getting richer over time. It was also noted that in a number of cases, the causality ran both ways.

However, as Acemoglu (2009) notes, it tends to create both winners and losers. Furthermore, despite a decline in the percentage of people employed in agriculture, improvements in technology have led to an increase in agricultural output in general (Sachs, 2009; Todaro and Smith, 2011). Economic growth is a major field of study, due to the significant impact it has on the society in general, as well as the various units that make up the society. The increase in the above, in turn increases more labor and more production of goods and services, which is the “economic growth”. Schumpeter (1942) also coined the term ‘creative destruction’ which highlights how the progress brought on by economic growth could lead to a destruction of an old economic structure, in the process of creating a new one. Generally, economic growth is good for the welfare of an economy.

Asteriou and Agiomirgianakis (2001), in a study of the relationship between economic growth and education in Greece, found that GDP and all educational variables used are cointegrated, thus indicating that a positive long-run relationship exists between economic growth and education. This can enable higher living standards, such as … Schumpeter (1942) also coined the term ‘creative destruction’ which highlights how the progress brought on by economic growth could lead to a Economic growth also plays a role in reducing debt to GDP ratios. When rich countries today are compared to their own history, there is a vast difference in the standards of living (Weil, 2013). Examples from various countries have been used to illustrate these effects.

Similar trends have also been observed in Britain and all other Organisation for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD) countries (Acemoglu, 2009; Mokyr, 1993). Figure 3 The Share Of U.S. Employment In Agriculture, Manufacturing And Services, 1800-2000. Acemoglu (2009, p. 8) states that “productive relationships, firms and sometimes individual livelihoods will be destroyed by the process of economic growth, because growth is brought about by the introduction of new technologies and creation of new firms”, and these replace firms and technologies currently in existence.

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impacts of economic growth