bill clinton social security surplus

bill clinton social security surplus

But that is an important achievement as well.Now it is most important of all that we balance the budget while renewing our commitment to save Social Security. In this year’s budget, Clinton is proposing a "Social Security solvency lock-box" that is intended to secure every dollar of the Social Security surplus for Social Security. I think it should be the driving principle of this year's work in the United States Congress -- do not have a tax cut, do not have a spending program that deals with that surplus -- save Social Security first.That is our obligation to you and, frankly, to ourselves. We do not know when we'll have a time like this again.All of our reading of human history teaches us that nothing ever stays the same forever. Eventually -- I'll make a prediction -- it may not happen in our time here, but eventually we will have to figure out how to have people paying, investing continuously, no matter how frequently they change jobs, because, if you look at all modern advanced societies, you have a higher and higher percentage of people doing part-time work, you have a higher and higher percentage of people doing more than one job, and you have more rapid turnover. Social Security status-quo defenders have assured us for the past 25 years that Social Security is fully funded—for the next 25 years, or 2036. We have been given a gift, and we have to use it. And on many occasions, but none more relevant than today, I have recalled the assertion of my freshman professor in the history of civilizations course, Carroll Quigley, that the distinguishing characteristic of Western civilization in general and the United States of America in particular is what he called future preference -- the idea that the future can be better than the present or the past; that each of us has a personal, moral responsibility to work to make it so, to plan for it, to work for it, to invest for it.There is no better example of that principle for the strength of America than the opportunity and the duty all of us as Americans have now to save Social Security for the 21st century. The payroll taxes paid by people on modest incomes as well as by wealthy people.And if we did that, we'd be saying, okay, we didn't fix this when we had a chance back in 1999, and because we didn't do it now we're going to have to lower the standard of living of our children and their ability to raise our grandchildren because we didn't do the right thing.Now, the generation that got us through World War II and built the greatest middle class in history and was educated by the GI Bill knows that America should do right by the future. It doesn't seem so far to me now, because things that happened 34 years ago are implanted in my mind as if they occurred only yesterday.But we are going to face early next year a great challenge of fashioning a bipartisan solution to save Social Security for the 21st century. The government is the smallest it's been in 35 years. And above all we can balance the budget and save Social Security first. In the past five years, the American people have met these challenges and have moved to master them. Holding fast to that course, our people have built the strongest economy in a generation.The success of this strategy cannot be cause for complacency, however. And he said a lot of things last night that I don't think it would serve any useful purpose for me to respond to. It is not enough to sustain the standard of living of almost any retiree retiring today.So you also will have to make provisions for your own retirement savings, and you should start early when you go out and go to work, with a 401(k) plan or whatever. And I looked at that photo and I said, my goodness, where did all the time go?

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bill clinton social security surplus