why did mike capuano lose

why did mike capuano lose

Longtime incumbent Democratic Rep. Michael Capuano (D-MA) lost his primary on Tuesday to anti-establishment insurgent Ayanna Pressley in the latest of a series of powerful incumbents to lose to grassroots-fueled outsiders.Capuano conceded the election early after returns started flowing in, a sign of how badly Pressley defeated him.It appears the hard left Democrat Capuano was not leftist enough for even leftist Massachusetts:This win for the hard-left of the Democratic Party against its own establishment comes in the wake of devout socialist Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez’s stunning upset win over Rep. Joseph Crowley (D-NY) in New York earlier this summer, a shocker that rocket-fueled the leftist wing of the Democratic Party in a year where establishment incumbents are having a hard time winning re-election.A glowing profile of Pressley in the New York Times published with a Cambridge dateline just a few days before the primary on Tuesday reveals just how unusual she is:It’s not a sight you see every day, certainly not around Boston — a black woman mounting a plausible challenge to a 10-term white congressman from her own party, a politician with vast connections who votes the progressive line and opposes everything Trump.But here was Ayanna Pressley, a Boston City Council member and rising Democratic star, exhorting volunteers in a Cambridge restaurant with an impassioned performance style she learned as a child at her grandfather’s storefront Baptist church in Chicago.The piece goes on to quote her about how she plans to lay out a leftist agenda, and not just provide “resisting and affronting” to President Donald Trump.“This is not just about resisting and affronting Trump,” Pressley Pressley is backed by Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, the leftist socialist who defeated Crowley in New York on a message of pushing to “Abolish ICE.” Pressley herself also backs abolishing the federal agency that handles immigration enforcement, Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE)–and other pillars of a socialist agenda like “Medicare for all” and widespread gun control:The times require and our district deserves bold activist leadership. And in a CNN interview, Ocasio-Cortez pushed Pressley’s campaign:"We won because I think we had a very clear winning message and we took that message to doors that had never been knocked on before," says 28-year-old political newcomer Ocasio-Cortez on her win in NY's 14th District Democratic primary Pressley, for her part, returned the favor, tweeting congratulations Ocasio-Cortez’s way:A piece in Boston.com profiling Pressley’s race after Ocasio-Cortez’s victory this summer noted the similarities between their two campaigns.“Pressley, who became the first woman of color ever elected to the Boston City Council in 2009, has launched her own insurgent primary challenge in Massachusetts, taking on longtime Rep. Michael Capuano in the state’s 7th Congressional District,” Nik DeCosta-Klipa “The nature of the 44-year-old city councilor’s [Pressley’s] campaign — a woman of color taking on a white, male longtime congressman in a Democratic primary — drew immediate comparisons [to Ocasio-Cortez’s campaign] Wednesday,” he added.

America is going to be okay, Ayanna Pressley is going to be a good congresswoman, and I can tell you Massachusetts will be well-served," he said in a short concession speech.Capuano felt pressure from Pressley’s campaign, leading him to put more resources into campaigning than Crowley did. “The similarities and ties don’t end there, though there are some key differences.” "I didn’t feel [national media attention] until the New York race," Capuano said Sunday.

Someone that will coalition build and movement build," Pressley told volunteers at an election night-eve rally at her campaign headquarters in Jamaica Plain.Pressley said the attention on Ocasio-Cortez helped juice her candidacy and bring in financial support, even though Capuano outspent her 2-to-1. "I don’t know, but I would presume people in the media were probably disappointed that they missed that, and trying to make up for it now … My expectation is come Wednesday, there won’t be a whole lot of national attention anymore because we will have proved that the case here is there will be no surprises. Capuano Loses Ground In His Hometown - Somerville, MA - The 20-year congressman and former mayor barely edged out Ayanna Pressley in Somerville and ultimately conceded Tuesday's primary. 4 Sep 2018 Washington, D.C. 6,447 Longtime incumbent Democratic Rep. Michael Capuano (D-MA) lost his primary on Tuesday to anti-establishment insurgent Ayanna Pressley in the latest of a series of powerful incumbents to lose to grassroots-fueled outsiders.

Another Democratic lawmaker with strong support from the party establishment has gone down in a primary, as Rep. Mike Capuano (D., Mass.) "This is life, and this is okay. Part of his message was that he would carry more clout in Washington than a newcomer.Capuano had said he expected to contend for a House leadership position should Democrats retake the House in the midterm elections.

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why did mike capuano lose