why are lutes so expensive

why are lutes so expensive

Also, the keys chosen often …

The tension on the guitar is too high and, of course, it's single strings but boy, it's robust and so easy to tune.There must be scope for a 'travel lute' with guitar geared tuning, just a fretboard and electrical amplification.

Even 8 string guitars don't work as well as one would expect for a lot of baroque music.

A lute can produce an amazing sound if played correctly.

It seems to have worked, and I now feel ready to string up my new lute with double courses.

Such modified instruments were called archlutes and included the chitarrone and the theorbo.. A smaller archlute, known as the theorbo-lute (so called because it resembled the …

I don't remember the maker's name, but it seems to fit the bill!I can't say for sure, because the website looks quite different from what I remember, but they certainly fit the bill / ring a bell!I actually tried playing with single strings for a while, just to make the transition easier from guitar. Why do so many classical guitarists and sheet music editions use relative lute tuning (tune down the third string to F sharp) and use a capo when playing Renaissance lute music?

Even a decent Renaissance lute will be well over $1000. By the fine workmanship and tonal proportions of their instruments, they contributed much to the popularity of the lute and paved the way for its extensive and noble literature of solo music (fantasias, dance movements, After about 1600, modified tunings were introduced by French lutenists.

Very cheap lutes may turn out to be a false economy, though in many cases may be greatly improved by the attentions of a … O Canada, we have a domain extension for thee. Unless you plan on playing Baroque lute music in which case in archlute wouldn't work anyways because the tunings are dramatically different. Most lute-makers, or luthiers, make lutes for specific customers, so try before you buy is quite rare.

The current standard for budget lutes is La Luth Dore.

The characteristic structure consists of an enclosed sound chamber, or resonator, with… The normalization step, that is the most expensive function, consumes 92. The tuning answer is simple, a large amount Renaissance lute music was written in that tuning so the music is often easier to play.

The first surviving evidence of the existence of the plucked lute comes from Mesopotamia and Egypt. The thing is though, they are so expensive!

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why are lutes so expensive