south australian pioneers

south australian pioneers

People: SA Northern Pioneers The photographic composite image (B 6912 and see below) of South Australian northern pioneers began as a display of 121 individual portraits, each attached to a board and labelled with their name and location in northern South Australia. World War1 SA servicemen deaths. Cemeteries and burials. Marriage records 1836 to 1857.

However this was no ordinary collection of portraits, but rather, this large mosaic was showing those who attended the ‘The Old Colonists Banquet’, which was commissioned by businessman Emanuel Solomon to […] Early SA shipping & passenger lists. Sudden deaths SA&NT 1845 -1941. The history of South Australia includes the history of the Australian state of To establish and maintain a faithful record of the pioneers for the benefit of present and future generations. For most of last century, portraits of over 1000 of South Australia’s ‘Old Colonists’ were on display in the State Library of South Australia.

The Pioneers Association of South Australia Incorporated was founded in 1935. and has the following principal objectives: To perpetuate the memory of the pioneers of early settlement in South Australia. Duchess of Northumberland -... Gellert - Heliose - … If you have pioneer ancestors who might have already arrived in South Australia by 1860, search on their family surnameto find any matches in this combined database.The three individual collections, early SA settler arrivals1836 to 1858 (incomplete), early SA marriages1836 to July 1857 (complete), and

The "Duke of York" was the first of the ships of The South Australian Company bringing settlers to South Australia to arrive. are simultaneously searched for any matches to the entered name.The matched records found are automatically sorted into family groups to help you visualize the line you're researching.Unregistered births and marriages, mostly from church baptism and marriage records, are included.Many of the spelling errors and inconsistencies in the original source documents have been corrected in our database records. BDM certificates & district records. Deaths and burials 1836 to 1855.
If you have pioneer ancestors who might have already arrived in South Australia by 1860, search on their family surnameto find any matches in this combined database.The three individual collections, early SA settler arrivals1836 to 1858 (incomplete), early SA marriages1836 to July 1857 (complete), and Birth records 1836 to 1860. Any that remain may give useful but out-of-order search results.If you are unable to find a particular pioneer's arrival, see our directory of South Australia pioneer families. south australian pioneers 1836-1840 photographs by townsend duryea taken in 1872.

A further eight ships brought more settlers during the remainder of 1836 with the last to arrive being the "Buffalo". are simultaneously searched for any matches to the entered name.The matched records found are automatically sorted into family groups to help you visualize the line you're researching.Unregistered births and marriages, mostly from church baptism and marriage records, are included.Many of the spelling errors and inconsistencies in the original source documents have been corrected in our database records. Any that remain may give useful but out-of-order search results.If you are unable to find a particular pioneer's arrival, see our directory of
Returned SA servicemen deaths.

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south australian pioneers