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On cloudy days, she’s lucky to get any service at all, she said.“We can’t wait 10 more years for internet,” Sparkman said.Tucked away in the hills and crags of Daniel Boone National Forest, Jackson and Owsley highlight the challenges of wiring Kentucky’s rural counties.Without a telephone provider as late as 1950, residents of the two eastern Kentucky counties formed the nonprofit Peoples Rural Telephone Cooperative. And they don’t have a call center set up.”Grindle cast doubt on whether he would allow KentuckyWired to bill the state for internet service without it first demonstrating its comparability to AT&T. “It makes no sense.”At around the same time, however, Grindle, the administration’s technology czar, was saying something quite different.With his close-cropped white hair and square jaw, Grindle looks and sounds every bit a retired U.S. Army colonel.In a speech to academics and business people at the University Club on the University of Louisville’s campus in February 2019, Grindle lambasted KentuckyWired as a “terrible project” that was “underhandedly done” and said he wasn’t ready to immediately switch over the state’s business from AT&T.“At any location I have a government connection, I’m supposed to immediately terminate that contract and start using the KentuckyWired fiber there,” Grindle said before rattling off all the added security and network optimization features AT&T provides.He added: “I’m supposed to just stop and move over to this new environment? "Matt Bevin just pardoned a man who raped a 9 year old, after he served just one year.


One time at the beginning of the year, X number of millions of dollars.“Doesn’t matter if it’s turned up or not. Locals call it the “Taj Ma-Hal.”The glass-faced 90,000-square-foot complex, along with an array of nonprofits similarly tied to Rogers, have But with Rogers, now 81, approaching retirement age, the Taj Ma-Hal needed a new funding stream to perpetuate its economic development work.The nonprofit center would oversee construction of the eastern portion of KentuckyWired.

Former Kentucky Gov. Sparkman, who lives on a farm in eastern Kentucky’s rural Letcher County, pays $69 a month for the only internet service available there — satellite.Each month, she’s able to download the equivalent of three Kindle e-books before her bandwidth is throttled. One time. Her two sons, now in college and graduate school, rarely visit her these days, she said.“They can’t be guaranteed that they’ll have internet available to them if they have homework or have to do a project.

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