kentico 12 templates

kentico 12 templates

I would love to see the latter rebranded to something like 'Widget Page Presets' If the "Save as Template" option in the Page UI had instead said "Save as Page Template Preset" or "Save as Preset" it wouldn't have been so confusing.The "preset" does include the Page Template properties in addition to Widgets and Widget Sections - maybe calling this "Page Builder Configuration" is more holistic?I spent a fair bit of time watching the database for changes after each interaction I had with Page Templates to see what a effect a UI click would have. Open source and radically transparent.We're a place where coders share, stay up-to-date and grow their careers. jeff McDaniel asked on January 25, 2019 00:35. love to learn / teach web dev & software engineering, collecting vinyl records, mowing my lawn, craft Create templates to quickly answer FAQs or store snippets for re-use.Yeah, I definitely found the oddest part of this piece that the MVC page templates (which as you noted, are basically Page -> View + Model + Controller mappings, and stay associated with the page) and Custom Page Templates (which are more like 'Page Template Choice + Widget Pre-fill', and are just used when creating a page, they don't stay associated) are both called 'page templates' and seem otherwise unrelated. It wasn't clear at all from the documentation which, to be fair, is aimed getting code working rather than explaining the details of how it works.A constructive and inclusive social network. Long Term Support. @Kentico MVP. @Kentico MVP. Viewed 113 times 0. Jeewani Jayasuriya asked on February 11, 2020 12:44 Hi, I have bought a template from one of those sites and I want to use that template in my Kentico project. Download List of all changes in Kentico 12.0 API (all types) Accessor Class Constructor Delegate Enumeration EnumerationElement Event Field Indexer Interface Method Property Structure How do I get started with them?In this post I'll attempt to give helpful answers for all these questions .I've found the easiest way to think of Page Templates is this:Page Templates let the content managers select an MVC View to render a Page in the content tree.But really, that's about all there is to it on a conceptual level.In the screen capture below, I'm creating a new Page that uses MVC Page Templates. Conclusion So, now we've peered deep into the beautiful abyss of Kentico 12 MVC Page Templates. Active 8 months ago. Walks you through the development of a simple website.Contains information on running Kentico in the Microsoft Azure environment.All changes made to Kentico, including improvements, bug fixes, hotfixes and features added.Lists classes and their members that you can use to customize Kentico and add your own functionality.

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kentico 12 templates