jean toomer biography

jean toomer biography

He stopped writing publicly in 1950, although he did continue to write for himself. He was from a mixed-race union, as were the women he married. He

His writing at the time was political, and he had three essays published during 1919 for the socialist paper, During this time, thousands of blacks were leaving the area and going North. The legislation was passed to try and stop them going, as the farmers didn’t want to lose their cheap labor. His first wife died, and when Toomer was born, his father abandoned both him and his mother.Toomer had an interest in Eastern philosophies and spent eight months studying the subject. He also devoted a lot of his time to the Quaker cause, taking part in community service. Toomer began to write of his experiences, and his story, Toomer continued to write some fiction, but mostly published essays in Quaker publications.

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jean toomer biography