iron hand lyrics

iron hand lyrics

They would never reject the steel in their hearts, yet many Battle-Brothers now forged it anew in the fires of their rekindled souls. Logic still drove the Iron Council's calculations, yet they were always on guard against the dangers of heresy, and efforts were made to curb the most inhuman of their impulses.
When the situation warrants it, the Iron Hands have the ability to cast-off their fetters and abandon control. His strength and fury made him renowned and feared amongst the people of the clans who valued such qualities highly in their harsh environment.

Twelve times has this foe struck at the Imperium, each time leaving a trail of clues to his ultimate intentions. Some Initiates sever their own hand during the ritual, while others plunge it into the searing hot lava flowing from the mountains of Medusa, bearing the pain and transforming it to hate. They have met in this same chamber, known now as the "Eye of Medusa," ever since. The mighty The second wave of "Loyalist" Space Marine Legions descended upon the landing zone on the northern edge of the Urgall Depression. The first one I'd say. In truth the Primarch also held himself to those same unmatchable standards and despised duplicity and dissembleage as much as he did weakness, and for these reasons, more than any others, the warriors of the XVery quickly because of the Primarch's influence, a mind-set was crystallised in the Legion that meant that failure to the Iron Hands was intolerable. The Council must always number precisely forty-one Iron Fathers, one for each of the planet's infamous Iron Peaks. The Iron Hands pushed through the defences, the bulky Terminators unstoppable in their relentless advance. The annals of the Iron Council are replete with examples of worlds left to burn for the want of a single A newly inducted Battle-Brother receives his first Augmetic implantThe Primarch of the Iron Hands Legion was the first to die by violence as a casualty of the It is said that the bitter rage of the Iron Hands was born in the fires of betrayal upon Istvaan V during the Rather than fall into despair, the Iron Hands took refuge in their hate, and they have used that hatred to eliminate any perceived weakness in themselves so that they may remain strong. When that happens, there are few forces in the galaxy capable of resisting it: ten thousand years of anger, of rage, of bitterness, all concentrated into a single, machine-augmented storm of vengeance. These formations were referred to as Orders and were superficially equivalent to a specialised battalion in general Inside an Order, the component companies were configured in such a way that all the units' functions combined together to form a gestalt whole whose tactical and strategic capabilities, like the components of a machine working together in unison, were capable of actions outweighed by the sum of their parts. So it was the bloody inheritance and bleak creed of Medusa was spread to successive generations of the Iron Hands, forging the XThe brotherhood shared by the Primarchs Fulgrim and Ferrus Manus, the Phoenician and the Gorgon, was well known in the Imperium at the time of the Great Crusade, as the two superhuman leaders formed an instant connection upon their first meeting. with all the clarity of dream the sky so blue, the grass so green the rank and file and the navy blue the deep and strong, the straight and true the blue line they got the given sign the belts and boots marched forward in time the wood and the leather the club and shield Nearly a third of the Iron Council had fallen into the daemon's trap and been lost to Chaos corruption, along with many of their Battle-Brothers. With so many threats to face, with sanity and surety eroding all around them, the logic of the A war engulfs the Imperium now, greater than any it has faced before. Trust, too, had played its part, for it was the Primarchs' trust in one another that had left the Imperium open to the abuses it had suffered. This hatred of all human weaknesses is harnessed and focused by the Iron Fathers for use in battle, where the Chapter will fight with renowned intensity and determination, regardless of the opponent.

No one knew if these scrolls were genuine. Humanity must be purged of its flaws in a war unending, lest that same weakness be allowed to take root once more. This was largely the case as larger groups of Iron Hands were presently engaged elsewhere and unable to heed, or ignorant of, their Primarch's rushed call to assault the Traitors at the Istvaan System.

A person lets himself waste away through neglect, or cuts his own flesh, or desires to have limbs amputated where no wound has been inflicted. With all the clarity of dream The sky so blue, the grass so green The rank and file and the navy blue The deep and strong, the straight and

The fire of betrayal roared from the barrels of a thousand guns, as the second wave of Astartes revealed where their true loyalties now lay. Playing host to a contingent of During the Great Crusade and Horus Heresy in the late 30This was where the enemy would be brought to battle, held in place and allowed to smash itself to pieces against the body of the Legion's forces, while reserve forces of mechanised armour encircled them, before closing in to create a withering crossfire that eviscerated the heart of the foe's resistance.

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iron hand lyrics