fred advance real retail and food services sales

fred advance real retail and food services sales

to to

(Jul 16)

retrieved from FRED, Release: Advance Monthly Sales for Retail and Food Services, 86 economic data series, FRED: Download, graph, and track economic data. Jan 1992 (Jul 16) Jun 2020

Jan 1992 to (Jul 16) Feb 1992 Graph and download economic data for from Jan 1992 to Jun 2020 about retail trade, food, retail, sales, services, real, and USA. Total estimates for broader industries are computed as the sum of the detailed industry estimates. St. Louis, MO 63102

to to

to to Jun 2020

Jan 1992 (Jul 16) to Feb 1992 (Jul 16) ALFRED Vintage Series Jun 2020 Jan 1992 Jan 1992 (Jul 16)

Jun 2020

Jan 1992 This can not be undone. to Jun 2020 For each detailed industry, we compute a ratio of current-to previous month weighted sales using data from units for which we have obtained usable responses for both the current and previous month. July 31, 2020. to Advance Real Retail and Food Services Sales [RRSFS], to


Jun 2020

(Jul 16) to

(Jul 16) Jun 2020 Feb 1992

Jan 1992 to Jun 2020 (Jul 16)

Advance Retail Sales: Retail and Food Services Excluding Motor Vehicles and Parts Dealers 2001-06-13 2020-07-16 Source to (Jul 16) Jan 1992 (Jul 16) This series is constructed as Advance Retail and Food Services Sales ( Feb 1992

(Jul 16)

Jan 1992 (Jul 16) to The monthly estimates are benchmarked to the annual survey estimates from the Annual Retail Trade Survey once available. Jun 2020

(Jul 16) Jun 2020 For a limited number of nonresponding companies that have influential effects on the estimates, sales may be estimated based on historical performance of that company. Jun 2020 (Jul 16) Jan 1992 Jan 1992 (Jul 16), Real Retail Sales. Jun 2020 to Feb 1992

Feb 1992 to Jun 2020 (Jul 16) Jan 1992 to Jun 2020 Jan 1992 Jun 2020 Jun 2020 The June 2020 Advance Monthly Sales for Retail Trade and Food Services report was released on July 16, 2020 at 8:30 a.m., and available as: Full Publication in Excel [130KB] | PDF [1496KB] Time Series (Adjusted Sales Data/Seasonal Factors—1992 to present) Time Series/Trend Charts: Create your own customizable time series. (Jul 16) Each month, questionnaires are mailed to a probability sample of approximately 4,700 employer firms selected from the larger Monthly Retail Trade Survey. (Jul 16) to Graph and download revisions to economic data for from Jan 1992 to Jun 2020 about food, retail trade, retail, sales, services, real, and USA.

(Jul 16) to to Feb 1992 Jun 2020 (Jul 16) to to


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fred advance real retail and food services sales