describe structural damage caused by earthquakes quizlet

describe structural damage caused by earthquakes quizlet

For these reasons, non-structural mitigation measures, such as land-use zoning or the development of monitoring systems, tend to be particularly effective. tsunami. Oblate spheroid - not perfectly round. List and describe the various scales used to determine earthquake intensity and magnitude. PLAY. They travel away from the focus of the earthquake in all directions.The _______ scale is best used to measure the strength of small, nearby earthquakes.The _______ magnitude scale is useful for measuring the strength of earthquakes of all sizes and at all distances from a seismograph.The scale rates an earthquake according to how much damage it causes.Which is used to find the epicenter of an earthquake?Based on the seismograph measurements in the image, where is the epicenter of this earthquake? shaking from an earthquake can make wet soil act like a liquid. In 1989, as in 1906, earthquake damage in San Francisco was most severe in areas underlain by fill, as in the Marina district. Describe what Earth originally looked like and the processes it went through to form layers. describes earthquake intensity based on structural and geological damage. where does liquefaction occur ... Quizlet Live. ocean waves caused by an earthquake. Help. ... Name 4 factors that determine structural damage. Earthquakes and earths interior surface. the modified _____ intensity scale describes earthquake intensity based on structural and geological damage.

Check all that apply.A. Quizlet Learn. Intensity: measure of degree of ground shaking at a given locale based on amount of damage. STUDY. Which waves can travel through both solids and liquids?Which waves can compress and expand the ground like an accordion?Which waves can violently shake structures when they reach the surface?Which scale is most useful for earthquakes of all sizes and distances?Which scale is good for small nearby earthquakes but not as useful for larger or distant ones?Which scale takes into account the movement of rocks along fault lines?Which scale rates earthquakes based on the amount of damage they cause?Which statements concerning how geologists locate an earthquake's epicenter are accurate?

Flashcards. Mobile. Earthquakes can cause damage over millions of square kilometers, and tsunamis travel the entire ocean and cause major damage thousands of kilometers from their point of origin. In the US the Modified Mercalli Intensity Scale is commonly used to describe damage caused by earthquakes. Honor Code. Describe surface waves. When earth rotates a bulge is produced around the equator. Although earthquakes are natural geological event, they kill many people a cause a lot of ____Magnitude- measure of energy released by an earthquake; determined by the ____ and based on the height of the lines on a seismogramMost earthquakes have magnitudes too _____to be felt by humans- 3.0 to 4.9 on the Richter scalethe modified _____ intensity scale describes earthquake intensity based on structural and geological damage_____- shaking from an earthquake can make wet soil act like a liquidcaused when a sudden movement of the ocean floor ____ against the waterTsunamis can travel thousands of ____ in all directionsknowing how and where to ____ for earthquakes can help prevent death and damageBuildings can be _____ to withstand seismic vibrationsFlexible, circular ______ are being placed under buildings; made of rubber and steelthe rubber acts like a cushion to absorb earthquake _____Homes can be protected by careful placement of heavy objects and securing____ applianceDuring an earthquake, crawl under a sturdy table or desk; out doors, stay away from ____ and power linesAfter an earthquake, check for water or gas line damage; leave _____ if a gas smell is presentnatural geological events that provide information about EarthScientists who study earthquakes and seismic waves are ________seismologists use records seismographs called _____ to learn ______the measure of the energy released in an earthquakedescribes the strength of the energy released in an earthquakethe _____ describes the intensity of an earthquake using the amount of structural and geological damage in a specific locationthe amount of damage done depends on _______, the _______, the ______,and the ____wet soil can be strong most of the time, but _______the shaking from an earthquake can caused it to act more like liquid ocean waves caused by earthquakes are called seismic sea waves_______ stand up to vibrations that occur during an earthquake It originally looked like the moon.

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describe structural damage caused by earthquakes quizlet