cv raman essay in marathi

cv raman essay in marathi

त्यामुळे त्यांना घरात भौतीकशास्राच वातावरण मिळालं. वडील पेशाने बॅरीस्टर असल्याने घरात पुस्तकांची रेलचेल असायची. He was also the President of the Current Science Association, Bangalore, which publishes Current Science. The Great Indian physicist Chandrasekhar Venkata Raman, popularly known as C.V Raman, was born on 7 th November, 1888 at Trichirapalli in Tamil Nadu. त्यांचे वडील चंद्रशेखर अय्यर आणि माता पार्वती अम्मल तामिळनाडू येथील तिरुचिरापल्ली या गावी रहात. त्यांचे लग्न मोठ्या थाटामाटात झाले. १९०७ मध्ये त्यांनी मद्रास विश्वविद्यालयातून गणित या विषयात एम.ए. He discovered the “Raman Effect” in 1928. त्यावेळी त्यांना डॉ. Corp the lottery ending essay this report to write an argumentative essay on gay marriages the ceo from the year 2006, but wheneveri send. In 1954, he was conferred upon, the Bharat Ratna. Home. वीणेच्या मधुर स्वरांनी ते भारावून गेले आणि त्या मुलीशी लग्न करण्याचा त्यांनी निश्चय केला. या पुरस्कारासह त्यांची प्रतिष्ठा वाढली आणि सीमा वाढली आणि अनेक विद्यापीठे आणि प्रतिष्ठेच्या संस्थांनी पीएचडी आणि डी.एस.सी. तसेच त्यांनी १९८०-१९८७ या काळात या संस्थेचे संचालक पदही भूषवले. This discovery of the scattering of light led to the development of a simple alternative to infra-red spectroscopy, namely, Raman Spectroscopy.The Great Indian physicist Chandrasekhar Venkata Raman, popularly known as C.V Raman, was born on 7th November, 1888 at Trichirapalli in Tamil Nadu. त्यापैकी महाराष्ट्र भूषण, पद्मश्री व पद्मभूषण पुरस्कार मिळाले आहेत.त्यांचा विवाह १९६६ साली मंगला राजवाडे यांच्याशी झाला. त्यांना पद्मभूषण पुरस्कारानेही गौरवण्यात आल होते. Leave a Reply Cancel reply. He was elected as a fellow of the Royal Society in 1924 and knighted in 1929. Doctors gave him four hours to live. He became the first Indian to win this prestigious honour. आज भारत जागतिक स्तरावर माहिती तंत्रज्ञान क्षेत्रात सेवांचा सर्वात मोठा निर्यातदार आहे त्यामागे डॉ विजय भटकर यांचे प्रचंड परिश्रम आहेत.त्यांना त्यांच्या आजपर्यंतच्या आयुष्यात अनेक पुरस्काराने सन्मानित करण्यात आलेल आहे. Zimring argues that involved with a statement for uniforms essay in the sky, there is a term objectives. డాక్టర్ సర్కార్తో ఈ సంబంధం ఈ యువ శాస్త్రవేత్త జీవితంలో మలుపు తిరిగింది.భౌతికశాస్త్రంలో అతని ఆసక్తి లోతుగా మరియు శాశ్వతంగా ఉంది, అందువలన అతను అసోసియేషన్ యొక్క ప్రయోగశాలలో తన ఖాళీ సమయంలో తన పరిశోధన పనిని కొనసాగించాడు. याच आर्यभट्टाचा जन्म शके ३९८ म्हणजेच इ.स. He studied at Hindu College, Visakhapatnam and Presidency College, Madras. In 1907, he gained his MA degree, obtaining the highest distinctions. ४७६ मध्ये बिहारमधील पाटलीपुत्र येथे झाला. या प्रतिष्ठित सन्मानाने ते प्रथम भारतीय ठरले. प्रकाश प्रकीर्णन आणि रमन प्रभाव असे अनेक शोध लावून रमन भौतिक शास्त्रात मोठ्या स्थानी पोहचले आहेत.चंद्रशेखर वेंकटरमन यांचा जन्म ७ नोव्हेंबर १८८८ रोजी झाला होता. त्यानंतर त्यांनी मुंबई येथील टाटा संशोधन संस्थेच्या खगोलशास्र या विभागात प्रमुख म्हणून पद स्वीकारले. काही काळाने त्यांना दोन मुले देखील झाली. दरम्यान ते ध्वनी लहरींचे कंपन आणि कार्य यावर संशोधन करत होते. During his stay at the University he continued his research with much more devotion and won immense honour and recognition as a physicist.He was elected the Fellow of the Royal Society of London in 1924. degrees.In December, 1927 he was busy in laboratory when the news came that the well-known physicist A.M. Compton was awarded the Nobel Prize for demonstrating that the nature of X-rays undergoes a change when passed through a matter.This effect came to be known as the “Compton Effect.” Encouraged by this discovery, Raman continued his experiments and ultimately proved that light rays can also be scattered.

त्यानंतर पुणे येथील १९८८ साली मित्रांनो वरील “5 Indian Scientist Information in Marathi Language5 Indian Scientist Information in Marathi Language Indian Scientists and Their Inventions in Marathi language भारतीय शास्त्रज्ञ व त्यांनी लावलेले शोध माहिती मराठी भारतीय संशोधकांची नावे व त्यांनी लावलेले शोध यांची माहिती Studymode Indian Scientist Essay in Marathi language. कॉलेजमध्ये भौतिक शास्त्राचे प्राध्यापक होते तसेच त्यांच्या माता सुद्धा सुशिक्षित घराण्याच्या होत्या. During his student period he conducted many researches and published his papers in many reputed magazines.Chandrasekhar Venkata RamanIn the same year, that is, 1907, Raman got the first position in the Financial Service Examination and was appointed as the Assistant Accountant General in Calcutta. भारताने आतापर्यंत जगाला अनेक वैज्ञानिक, खगोलशास्त्रज्ञ, गणितज्ञ दिले आहेत. అతను హిందూ కళాశాల, విశాఖపట్నం మరియు ప్రెసిడెన్సీ కాలేజీ, మద్రాసులలో చదివాడు. केरळमध्ये आठरा कारखाने उभारण्यासाठी मार्गदर्शन केले. In 1943 he founded the Raman Research Institute at Bangalore.

డాక్టర్ అమ్రిత్లాల్ సర్కార్ పేరుతో ఒక ప్రముఖ శాస్త్రవేత్తతో పరిచయం ఏర్పడింది, ఇతను సైన్స్ పండే ఇండియన్ అసోసియేషన్ కార్యదర్శిగా ఉన్నారు. पूर्ण केले.

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cv raman essay in marathi