bernard lafayette wife

bernard lafayette wife

My condolences go out to Joanne and his Son and Daughter and grandchildren. ADD A MEMORY © 2020 SCI SHARED RESOURCES, LLC. Nolan was a pride graduate of Paul Breaux High School and Northside High Class of 1971. ADD A MEMORY

There is construction going on somewhere else and campus police have closed the lot near the office of LaFayette, a URI Distinguished Scholar-in-Residence and director of the URI Center for Nonviolence and Peace Studies. Here’s a photo for our 40th wedding Anniversary ! Love to all of youRod thanks for all the great memories. He is survived by his wife of 55 years, Jo Ann King, originally of Magnolia, Mississippi, and a longtime resident of Lafayette, now residing in New Iberia; his brother, Oscar Bernard of Scott; his children, Shane K. Bernard of New Iberia and Shannon Bernard Bourg of Metairie; three grandchildren, Colette A. Bernard and Alexandre T. Bernard of Lafayette, and Ella G. Bourg of Metairie; his daughter-in-law, Amy Lancon Bernard of New Iberia; and his son-in-law, Rusty Bourg, of Metairie. Lafayette Funeral Service will be held on Friday, October 12, 2018 at 130PM at Our Lady Queen of Peace Catholic Church for Chesterbelle Citizen Bernard.

He was ranked in the top 1% of lawyers and received the prestigious Trial Lawyers Board of Regents Litigator Award in 2015. © Copyright 2006 - 20 Kinchen Funeral Home, Inc.. All Rights Reserved. Lillian Miles Lewis, U.S. Rep. John Lewis’ wife, friend and political adviser, died Monday at Emory University Hospital.

God now has taken out little Opelousas Cajun musician.

King, Duane Eddy, Roy Orbison, and Frankie Avalon, among others. Your Dad, Rod, was a very special person, who leaves a musical and entertainment legacy that will.always be remembered. We were so happy he showed up ! On January 31, 1953, she was united in marriage to Ennis Joseph Bernard and to this union, three sons were born. I was 6-7 when daddy would take me to hear you every Saturday. I’ve thought about Rod often through the years but didn’t see him much. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED You were a relative that never forgot your friends. Ty Glenn Shane and Family, My deepest sympathy and condolences to you and your Family. He will be greatly missed by so many people, including me. She served as an Extraordinary Minister and was a member of the Altar Ladies and the Legion of Mary. Biden and Winfrey, were joined by Hank and Billye Aaron, Bernard Lafayette, Andrew Young and Henrietta Antoine, in delivering their remarks via pre-recorded video.
I am sorry for y’all loss and I will be praying for y’all. He was a great performer in a good person he will be missed I remember when I would go play on pause but you I’ve seen him and talk to him lots of time Rodney Norred was such a good person and sadly miss but in a better place sitting on the right side of the throne of God in the name of Jesus and will keep the family in prayer amen yours truly Danny Crochet and the Cajun Rambles Band

In 1958 they issued their own version of King Karl & Guitar Gable’s song “This Should Go On Forever.” Originally released on the Jin label of Ville Platte, then licensed to the Argo label of Chicago, Bernard’s version became a national hit, propelling him onto Alan Freed’s rock ‘n’ roll show, Dick Clark’s American Bandstand, and concerts and tours with Chuck Berry, Jerry Lee Lewis, B. In the summer of 1962, Bernard Lafayette, a leader of the Nashville student movement, told SNCC executive secretary Jim Forman that he wanted to direct his own project.
Additionally, condolences to the family can be expressed on our website at According to his children, Bernard was a loving father, who never yelled at, was stern with, or even expressed anger towards his wife or his kids. With over 2,000 locations, Dignity Memorial providers proudly serve over 375,000 families a year. I loved going to the southern club long ago. He was always walking in to tell a joke or funny story. My name is Priscilla LeMaire an my Husband is the late Wesley LeMaire that passed away on February 12th 2020! ], ca. B. Kinchen Funeral Home Inc., 1011 North Saint Antoine Street, Lafayette LA 70501 is in charge of arrangements. Spring 1963 Bernard & Colia Lafayette begin Selma Project .

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bernard lafayette wife