The interpretation of cultures Chapter one summary

The interpretation of cultures Chapter one summary

When “we,” either as researchers or simply as human beings, do not understand the beliefs or actions of persons from a foreign culture, we are acknowledging our “lack of familiarity with the imaginative universe within which their acts are signs.” … In interpreting cultural nuances, Geertz warns ethnographers of merely documenting observations without taking part, getting involved and seeing how their presence and understanding are in fact interconnected with the outcome of what is documented.

(43)In particular his essay "The Impact of the Concept of Culture on the Concept of Man" gave me an entirely new perspective relative to the doctrine of the psychic unity of mankind.There's no doubt this is academic reading, but if there were ever a book that deserved to be read by everyone interested in culture, this is it. In That doesn't mean that it's not really hard to get through, and you should definitely read Durkheim, and Weber, and Freud first, since he responds to them.I've read a couple of essays in this book before, and figured that I should reread them, considering how seminal Geertz has been in my own field, and how influential at my university (for example, his influence on the early New Historicists). In 2016, I think I understand more of it. be intelligibly�that is, thickly�described.� We must ever be attempting toIn description includes the following: 1. it�s interpretive 2. what it isCulture His discussions are rich on data, and refreshingly non-wanky (perhaps the 'non-wanky' comment is a reflection of my own inadequate knowledge of theory, and a frustration I have about the contest of ideas - when not directly related to experience / data - starts to look, to me, indulgent).

�a set of techniques for adjusting both to the external environment and to

The most important sections would be (I believe) his introductory essay, "Thick Description: Toward and Interpretive Theory of Culture" and "Notes on a Balinese Cockfight". hierarchy from them.Do

It was quite interesting learning about the way of life and acceptance among Balinese culture but at some points I found the text a bit dense and difficult to understand until we went over it in class.Useful definition of religion but he seems unclear on how to differentiate culture from it.

context, something within which [interworked systems of construable signs] can "a set of standardized orientations to recurrent problems"9. Significados atribuídos pelos homens às suas acções e a eles próprios......Ainda sobre os galos,é um ritual,um passatempo e um fenómeno cognitivo e emocional!Tem vários significados já que existe uma tendência,quase por questões de sobrevivência,do homem atribuir significado a tudo o que faz!! �mental phenomena which can be analyzed by formal methods similar to those In some respects, then, The Interpretation of Cultures serves as the collected works of Clifford Geertz.


- M.C. collection although this is an inherent part of anthropological work as well. !Mas as dinâmicas sociais e seus significados não chegam por si só para compreender uma comunidade!Há significados imaginativos e simbólicos que ultrapassam o entendimento de um homem comum...( o homem comum é o que luta com galos).

It's also an excellent book for anyone skeptical of social science in general, and serves as a great introduction for anyone just curious about anthropology. Rather than attempt to break down why Geertz is so great or what he covers in this book, I'm just gonna include a couple of my favorite quotations:"Believing, with Max Weber, that man is an animal suspended in webs of significance he himself has spun, I take culture to be those webs, and the analysis of it to be therefore not an experimental science in search of laws, but an interpretive one in search of meaning." When I first read this text back in college, I was enticed by the logic and liberation of his “thick description.” Only later would I realize how big a threat Geertz posed to the inter generational project of legitimizing anthropology to the scientific community.

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The interpretation of cultures Chapter one summary