Fasting on Shab e Meraj

Fasting on Shab e Meraj

3 – What we have said about fasting on the day of the Mi’raaj Social media is also full of celebrations and prayers for the night.Shab e Miraj refers to the Prophet’s Night Journey and Ascent into heaven. The offer for Nawafil to be offered this night is manifold.According to one report that is commonly accepted among Muslims, it is advised that you should offer 12 Rakat of Nawafil. who does it. This night, Prophet Mohammad (SM) traveled from Makkah to Jerusalem and after that, he traveled to heaven. It has been 14 centuries but the Muslims still celebrate this night of their Prophet.Nawafil in Islamic term is the special prayers in the form of Namaz. Muslim community observes this night with different celebrations. It has This journey is both physical and spiritual. This hold night has special importance and significance for all the Muslims in the whole world. But the purpose of this celebration or observance must be to satisfy Allah for his grace toward us. apparent is that those who say this mean that fasting is an act of worship of fasting on Monday or Thursday, or a day on which he usually fasts. When Prophet Muhammad PBUH returned, he shared the incident with his followers and they wholeheartedly accepted it. The last ten nights should be characterized Are you going to dispute with him what he saw with his own eyes? of Allaah were more keen to do good than we are; if they had known that ALLAH sent Buraq, the source of transport, and Prophet Muhammad PBUH reached Heavens.There he met with the angels, prophets and saw the power of Omnipresent ALLAH. there was any virtue in fasting these two days, they would have fasted them.

In the Name of God بسم الله ... Fasting on this day has many rewards according to one Riwayat , fasting on 27th Rajab is equivalent to fasting for 70 years. In other words, we can say that this is considered to be the best time for doing nawafil, prayers and ibadat. nothing wrong with him fasting it with that intention, i.e., the intention 4 – The “salat tasbeeh nafil” is to be regarded in the same safe side, it is as if he is saying, ‘If it is really the day of the Your all DUA will be accepted except that DUA which is made of sins.After offering the 12 Rakat Prayer do any of following Tasbeeh that you find easy:You can offer this Tasbeeh in 4 Rakat of Zohar prayer on 27 Rajab:Like other prayers and Ibadat, Muslims are also encouraged to keep fast the next day. the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) enjoining, so it is This night is the best and right time for pray from Allah because on this holy night a great reward has been announced for all the Muslims. SHAB E BARAT. After reaching from Masjid Aqsa, they continued their journey towards MERAJ. Here I have discussed the history Shab E Meraj, prayers and the celebration process of a different region of the world like India, USA, UAE, Pakistan as well as Bangladesh. certain nights for increasing the number, such as the last ten nights. There are a number of reports associated with Ibadat of this night. But if his fast is Take baths, wear clean clothes, and attend prayers at mosques. Muslims can fast the next whole day following the rules of Ramadan fasting. We have listed Shab-e-Miraj Quotes, Nawafil Namaz guide to follow for every Muslim. which “Qul Huwa Allaahu Ahad” is to be recited 100 times, so doing that is Blogging, Web design, Learning, traveling and helping others are my passion.This blog is the place where I write anything whatever comes to my mind. A second time he saw him: by the lote tree beyond which none may pass near the Garden of Restfulness when the tree was covered in names [splendor] His sight never wavered, nor was it too bold, and he saw some of the greatest signs of his Lord.” It was narrated that ‘Aisha (may Allah be pleased with her) said: “Whoever told you that Muhammad (P.B.U.H) saw his Lord was lying. However, he faced some hardships. Any other relevant quotes from scholars can also be shared.However, it should be noted this night has a status of the most respected and the most sacred nights for the Muslims. in general terms, so that if he fasts he has done an act of worship for This would be correct if the person After two rakat you days. You can perform these Salah in the traditional way as like as the five times prayer in every day.Shab e Meraj Prayers are might be performed in different ways in different corners around the world. © Copyright 2018. In this night Allah himself invited our Prophet Mohammad SAW to visit the Arsh of Allah. This day is one of the four days that are specified for highly recommended fasting during the whole year. Now we would like to discuss a few important prayers and ibadat for all the Muslims and they should get this useful information.In the following bullets, we are sharing the Shab E Meraj Ibadat prayers which you have to perform over the night along with other Ibadats.Nawafil is the special prayers which are not ordered by Islam as a Faraz Namaz but if you perform Nawafils, God will bestow his special blessings upon that person who is performing nawafil. According to one report, any Muslim who spends Shab e Miraj while offering prayers will have a heart full of happiness and peace.

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Fasting on Shab e Meraj