what does it mean to be a witness of god

what does it mean to be a witness of god


Luke-Acts Series 45 Videos

In this video, we’ll discover that gospel is a royal announcement about Jesus who is the crucified and risen king.

When we profess to be Christians, we give witness to the living Christ. Holy Spirit

Exodus 19-40

baptize with the Holy Spirit" (Mark 1.7-8). Little by little, the stone cut without hands began to roll forth; from hundreds to thousands, to tens of thousands, and now millions of covenant Latter-day Saints across every nation are connecting the puzzle pieces of this marvelous work and a wonder.Each of us is a piece of the puzzle, and each of us helps to set in place other essential pieces. Do we take the time to read and reflect on these? God called the prophets and all of Israel to be special witnesses. I am deeply indebted to his scholarship. Paul tells how from a persecutor he became a witness for Christ. Luke’s arrangement of the conversion and call of Saul in Acts 9 before the invitation to the Gentiles in Acts 10 is probably not a coincidence. 3 Videos Big things seem to happen around us and to us Standing as a witness of God involves both who we are and what we do. When the occasion presents itself, speak of His life, His teachings, and His incomparable gift to all mankind.

Early Christians followed the Jewish practice using witnesses. Public Reading of Scripture Our Mission and Story


When you hear the phrase, “God’s chosen nation,” what comes to mind? Are we ready to support them by our prayers and money offerings?

The works that Jesus performed, his miracles, witnessed to who he was.

Ezekiel Then, “the Great Jehovah shall say the work is done,”President Thomas S. Monson has said: “Now is the time for members and missionaries to come together, to work together … to bring souls unto Him. 7 Videos

No other nation has survived such trials. But they began, one person, one puzzle piece at a time, finding the straight edges, working to rightly frame this divine work.


The Covenants He must present that accident as best he can so that people will know what really happened.

The sixth century before Christ brought illustrious thinkers such as Confucius in China and Buddha in Eastern India, but the power of God’s priesthood was upon Daniel, the prophet living in captivity during the reign of the Babylonian king Nebuchadnezzar.Troubled by a dream in the night, King Nebuchadnezzar demanded that his magicians and sorcerers tell him both what he had dreamed and the interpretation of the dream. It doesn’t do any good to tell others about Jesus if we live like we don’t care about Him.

Hosea But here’s what’s really fascinating.

Old Testament I think all who seek God; all who are truth seekers, will eventually learn that they are, or can become part of the family of Abraham.Yet this choice, this freedom to follow our ‘fleshly hearts’, our ‘Yetzer HaRa’ and in turn potentially desecrate the name and reputation of the Almighty, or instead to heed the call of our ‘spiritual heart’, our ‘Yetzer HaTov’ and act in ways that sanctify His Name, is always in front of us.Perhaps when we reflect that an act of good that we participate in has in turn sanctified the honour, and reputation of God, and in doing so has been a faithful and effective witness of the true reality of our Father in Heaven, our joy should increase!We can then also take comfort in having inspired others to believe and have faith, and in turn, seek Him whose mercies are new every morning!

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what does it mean to be a witness of god