types of rocks in massachusetts

types of rocks in massachusetts

Dates on two samples from Sheffield Heights indicate that the diorite and granite are part of the Dedham North suite. Age is Late Proterozoic(?) Contact is probably a fault, but source of pebbles is quite obvious. Unit Zdigb also includes mafic dikes and sills that are probably younger or contemporaneous. Massachusetts is a major producer of dimension stone (mostly granite), and produces common clay, construction sand and gravel, crushed stone, lime, and natural gemstones. Age is Early and Middle Pennsylvanian. Although Castle (1965) considered Fish Brook to be either a premetamorphic intrusive rock or a core gneiss of intrusive or sedimentary ancestry, Bell and Alvord (1976) considered it to be volcanic or volcaniclastic in origin. Hall, and J.W. Contains interbeds of calcsilicate granofels and minor metapelites. Age is Late Proterozoic(?) Stratified rocks of the Bronson Hill arch and Sawyer Mountain belt.Gneissic granite to tonalite, locally coarsely porphyritic and muscovitic, southeastern New Hampshire.Quartzose-feldspathic gneiss and biotite schists (locally rusty), granofels, and cal-silicate rocks closely intruded by, and grading into, a pink gneissic granite (623 Ma) that produced a migmatite.Gray, medium- to coarse-grained, massive to well-foliated granitoid gneiss composed of oligoclase, quartz, microcline, and biotite (as patches), also epidote and hornblende in many areas, commonly associated with layers of amphibolite; elsewhere minor muscovite and garnet.Maroon siltstone, silty and sandy shale, and fine-grained silty sandstone, generally well laminated and commonly well indurated, alternating with dark fissile shale; dolomitic carbonate common in cement, concretions, and thin argillaceous laminae.
Phillips, and D.R. Fresh rock is dark gray to dark green, weathering to buff brown or salmon. Slightly uphill from that,  around the city, especially south and west is the Roxbury Conglomerate. Westboro in Framingham area and to the northeast is overlain by unnamed assemblage of metamorphosed mafic and felsic volcanic rocks. indicates that Cambridge and Braintree Argillites are identical. These include the Connecticut and Hudson River valleys. Intrudes OCAr and Om. Although Bell and Alvord's and Skehan and Moustafa's sections contain similar lithologies, Bell and Alvord's is much thicker, and Boxford Member is not readily identified in Skehan and Abu-Moustafa's.

A somewhat questionable Rb/Sr whole-rock age of 579 +/-28 Ma (Fairbairn and others, 1967) obtained from Westwood indicates it may be younger than Dedham and may be about same age as Mattapan (Wones and Goldsmith, 1991).Massive granitic gneiss in core of Glastonbury dome and in adjacent areas.Light-gray to pale orange-pink biotite granite; biotite tends to be in clots or short streaks, quartz granular; locally gneissic. Magnetite-hornblende granofels near top.Quartzite, phyllite, conglomerate, and chlorite schist.Rusty, gray, quartz-albite-mica (-chlorite) schist and gneiss. Includes Calef Member, mapped separately. It consists of sandstone strata containing one interval of gray mudstone beds.

As the rift valley opened in Avalon, it soon became filled with sediments which later formed the Roxbury Conglomerate, the Cambridge Sandstone, and the Cambridge Argillite. The geologic history of Boston spans 4.6 billion years and thousands of miles.

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types of rocks in massachusetts