transport focus motorway services survey

transport focus motorway services survey

Motorway service area (MSA) operators are responding positively to the results … Visitors had their say on facilities such as toilets, staffing, food and drink. This, Moto says, will give drivers greater flexibility over their spend.The company also pointed out the role its facilities had played in keeping Britain moving during the coronavirus pandemic, with its scheme to provide free hot meals and drinks for the HGV community as a ‘thank you’, having provided 30,000 meals and more than 20,000 hot drinks before coming to a close last week.Meanwhile a spokesman for Roadchef, which has 23 sites across England and 30 UK-wide, said it supports the work of the HGV community,  and had kept all of its sites open throughout lockdown, providing toilet and shower facilities as well as retail units selling essentials.The company added, “We also reduced the HGV overnight parking rate to £15 per 24-hour period, while free parking was doubled from two to four hours.

Alongside Transport Focus’s new Strategic Roads User Survey, this gives drivers using England’s motorways and major ‘A’ roads As a result, Transport Focus wisely did not publish a complete list of all scores. The visit to services significantly reduces visitors’ negative mood to just five per cent.

Now in its fourth year it allows MSA operators to benchmark results and measure improvements.

Visitors had their say on facilities such as toilets, staffing, food and … Every year 600,000 HGV drivers park overnight at our service areas.“In recent years we have supported HGV drivers by increasing the number of shower facilities at our sites and introducing overnight security patrols. Visitors had their say on facilities such as toilets, staffing, food and drink.Extra, operator of six sites in the survey and Westmorland, which operates four sites achieved the joint highest overall satisfaction score (97 per cent). Westmorland had the most ‘very satisfied’ visitors at 87 per cent.Across the country as a whole, motorway service operators performed well with 93 per cent of visitors satisfied with their experience (an improvement on last year’s 90 per cent and the highest score since the survey started).Visitors were least satisfied with the value for money of the food or drink they bought to eat in the services at 69 per cent.

MOTORWAY SERVICES USER SURVEY: RESULTS REPORT Motorway Services User Survey ... Transport Focus represents users of England’s motorways and major A‐roads, known as the Strategic Road Network (SRN).
All of this together feeds into what drivers perceive as value for money.“Overall, MSA operators are really switching on to the fact they really need to make improvements and are making investments in areas that make a real difference.”Moto, the UK’s largest MSA operator with 58 services areas nationwide and 45 in England covered by the survey, said, “HGV and commercial drivers are an integral part of Moto’s business as well as providing a vital lifeline for the country. 27 per cent of visitors say they arrive feeling tired, frustrated or stressed. We carry out research and work with governments and industry. Note on research findings Instead they published the average score for each operator, and allowed the media to heap praise on every service area run by that operator, including ones which aren't on motorways. Reading westbound services on the M4 has been named England’s top motorway services according to a new survey by the independent transport user watchdog.

It’s everything from the parking facilities outside, to the security, which is obviously incredibly important, to showers and toilets, general facilities and range of food.“HGV drivers keep telling us that they want more options, like home-cooked meals and not just fast food.

However, it’s also true to say that HGV drivers are the least content of all the people that used service areas in the last year and so there’s still lots of room for improvement.”He added, “We’ve been doing this research for quite a few years and the motorway service operators are listening and taking the feedback from customers on board.“HGV drivers are big users of these facilities and as a result of what they’ve told us in these surveys, we’ve seen motorway service operators making improvements year on year.“Not everybody’s going to use a shower in an MSA. Westmorland, operator of four sites in the survey, achieves the highest overall satisfaction score (98 per cent) and is the only operator to see an improvement on its overall 2018 score.

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transport focus motorway services survey