shank video game wikipedia

shank video game wikipedia

Shank later cuts the arm of Marlowe and gives it back to him and says "tell Angelo he's the next". Seven Years ago, he has worked with him for Cesar's mob. Then Inferno burns the town in revenge for the death of Razor and the "torching of the army's camp". Shank couldn't kill her because she loved her and because she was pregnant with his child, but then Angelo and his partners bursted in the house, wounded badly Shank and ignited the house with him inside and left him for dead, took his lover and then kill her. Shank later goes to see Marlowe, an ex-friend of him in the mob days, to make him lead Shank to Angelo, but he ambushes him. Later Shank confronts Angelo and defeats him, but later Angelo tries to shoot his bazuka, to what later Shank tries to stop him, but its too late and then the bell fell down and one wood knocked down Shank.

Later Shank eliminates inferno by stabbing him on the neck and the flamethrower's can of gas, making him explode just like Razor. They arrive and trow the bikes of the bikers to make them appear and find out what was happening.

Then the stoy goes with Corina, who suceeds in freeing all the hostages, in the cargo, and killing Cyclops, but she didn't find Elena, but a guard told her that she was in Sunset's Edge, a hotel front for human organs dealing, and it's later punched by Corina. The final mission consisted in kill the mayor with no witnesses for Cesar's cartel to fully control the police and S.W.A.T force. Afterward Shank escapes the cave, that explodes, and goes to César estate, and heading here, he had to confront the new César's personal bodyguard named Toro, but he achieves in killing him by putting a grenade into his mouth and the shooting it. Then the scene gets back to Shank talking to Corina, that offers Shank to join the rebellion, but he answers that he's only here for Elena, to what Corina says that when did Shank cares for that, and he says that is since now. Later in the jungle, Shank eliminates all the cannibal people, and their boss Obeng, and the remaining eats the body of their commander. After that, Primo leads Shank to a pier, where the army is loading the hostages into the containers, to what Shank orders primo to ask Corina for backup, and goes to explore the place, but then a chopper bombs it, but Shank manages to kill the pilot and he ends in some ruins, where he had to confront the sorceress named Roselle Lopez. The first is later tortured by Cassandra and seven years later, turned into a gimp. His loyal counterpart is named Killer Bubbles. Shank later goes to find Elena, who was kidnapped by Magnus' thugs according Corina, and sees her being putted in the truck by Inferno. Take your favorite fandoms with you and never miss a beat. Later on, the preist deny to join the mafia and pissed Angelo, to what he kills him and take his post as reverend. The other mission was to make "Butcher" to pay his debt to César. Sometime later, after the fall of the César's cartel, a new man took the power, killing the president Santos.

César afterwards knew about this and sent Shank to kill his girlfriend to erase any bad blood between them, but this was a fiasco, César only needed to manipulate Shank to kill Eva, to make Butcher, Angelo And Cassandra follow him "to find the girl" and then kill both of them. Immediatly asks one of the persons that where in the arena, where was the real Butcher, and he responds that he is in the meatpacking district and that he cant take the train to there, but he is interrupted by Shank, who says that he knows where it is.

and Primo says that is the rebellion against Magnus' new army, and that the new army was supossed to eliminate the mafia, but instead the took all of their operations. Later on, Shank escaped via Primo's bus and inside there Primo asked Shank if he was part of the rebellion, to what later he responds "What rebellion?" Which rules the country along with his militia with an iron-hand. Shank goes to his homeland by a bus that was drived by a member of Corina's rebellion named Primo Cortez, but it was stopped by soldiers of the militia, but Shank managed to escape, and later headed to the army's camp and confronted Razor and finished him by throwing him to the explosive barrels and then throwing a ingnited wheel at him, making him exploding into pieces. All the soldiers later were all dead, Except one, Magnus, who dies by the hands of Shank, who cuts his arms, and later makes him explode from the inside out, with grenade. Shank and his comarade knocked down Butcher and took his gold theeth as payment. Shank later finds César and in the middle of the fight he says that he couldn't kill Eva because of her pregnancy, to what César later says that if he had known this none of this would never happened. A while later Shank is wounded by César but he manages to recover and kill his old mentor, and departs by going into the sunset with his revenge full-filed. Shank suceeded in killing Denny and escaping out of here alive.

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shank video game wikipedia