planetary nebula color

planetary nebula color

The Tadpole Nebula. Seeing 0.8-1.1 arcsec80cm f/7 Astrooptik Keller corrected cassegrain, FLI Proline 16803, Baader Filters, Prompt 7 CTIO Chile Ha-OIII-LRGB (Ha 120m, OIII 120m, L 70m, R 70m, G 70m, B 70m) short and long exposures combined. In this representative color picture, the hot blue pool of light seen surrounding this binary system is energized by the hot surface of the faint star. As the gases expand, the central star undergoes a two-stage evolution, first growing hotter as it continues to contract and hydrog… Image data: H-alpha: 3x2400s OIII: 3x2400s RGB: 3x600s each for correct star colors image processing: Volker Wendel For more information click Ha-O3-RGB (9x40min-9x40min-180min each) 80cm f/7 Astrooptik Keller cassegrain, FLI PL-16803, Astrodon gen2 filters, Prompt 7 CTIO Chile Processing: Volker Wendel Find more information and images RGB image of R=R_6x1200s+Ha_10x2400s G=G_6x1200s+OIII_10x2400s B=B_6x1200s+OIII_10x2400s a total of 26.0 hours80cm f/7 AstroOptik Keller corrected cassegrain FLI Proline 16803 Astrodon LRGB GenII filtersHa-O3-RGB (320-320-160-160-160 min) total 15,7 h, north is upRGB image of R=R_6x1200s+Ha_10x2400s G=G_6x1200s+OIII_10x2400s B=B_6x1200s+OIII_10x2400s a total of 26.0 hours80cm f/7 AstroOptik Keller corrected cassegrain FLI Proline 16803 Astrodon LRGB GenII filtersHa-OIII-RGB (680-800-100-100-100 min) total 30 h, north is up, Ha-OIII-RGB (400-400-140-100-100 min) total 19 h, north is up, 80cm f/7 AstroOptik Keller corrected cassegrain FLI Proline 16803 Astrodon LRGB GenII filtersHa-OIII-RGB (400-400-140-140-140min), total 20,3 h, North is up; Ha-OIII-RGB (600-600-160-160-160min), total 28 h, Seeing 0.8-1.1 arcsec, North is up; OIII-RGB (1080-140-140-140 min) total 25 h, north is up HaO3RGB (360-360-140-140-140 min) total 19 h, north is up, seeing 0.9-1.5 arc-sec, Ha-OIII-RGB (Ha 8x40m, OIII 7x40m, RGB each 5x20m) North is up;  HaO3RGB (360-240-100-100-120 min) total 15.3 h, north is up, seeing 0.8-1.3 arc-sec, HaO3RGB (440-360-100-100-100 min) total 18.3 h, north is up, seeing 0.9-1.4 arc-sec, Ha-O3-RGB (320-360-120-120-120 min) total 17.3 h, north is up, seeing 0.8-1.2 arc-sec, Ha-O3-S2-RGB (400-320-200-100-100-100 min) total 19.3 h, north is up, seeing 0.8-1.2 arc-sec, Ha-OIII-RGB (Ha 6x20m, OIII 6x20m, R 4x20m, G 4x20m, B 4x20m); seeing 1.1-1.3 arcsec, Ha O-III LRGB (560-560-300-160-160-160 min) total 31,7 h, north is up,Ha O-III RGB (320-360-140-140-140 min) total 18,3 h, north is up, seeing 0,8-1.2 arc-sec, Ha O-III RGB (360-280-100-100-100 min) total 15,7 h, north is up, seeing 0,8-1.2 arc-sec, Ha-OIII-LRGB (320-240-180-100-100-100 min) total 17,3 h, north is up, seeing 1-1.4 arc-sec, Ha-OIII-RGB (Ha,OIII 12x40m each,RGB 10x20m each),total integration time 26h Seeing 0.7-1.2 arc-sec 80cm f/7 Astrooptik Keller corrected cassegrain, FLI Proline 16803, Baader Filters, Prompt 7 CTIO Chile,remote controlled, image processing: Bernd Flach-Wilken Find more information and more image versions Ha OIII RGB (320-280-120-120-120 min) total 16 h, north is up, seeing 0.9-1.3 arc-sec, Ha OIII RGB (280-280-120-120-120 min) total 15.3 h, north is up, seeing 0.8-1.2 arc-secHa-OIII-RGB (Ha 14x20m, OIII 14x20m, R 5x20m, G 5x20m, B 5x20m); seeing 0.9-1.2 arcsec, 80cm f/7 Astrooptik Keller corrected cassegrain, FLI Proline 16803, Baader Filters, Prompt 7 CTIO Chile, robotic data acquisition, processing: Volker Wendel FOR MORE DETAILS Ha-OIII-RGB (Ha 15x40m, OIII 11x40m, R 7x20m, G 7x20m, B 7x20m) total 23,7 h ,  north is up80cm f/7 Astrooptik Keller corrected cassegrain, FLI PL-16803, Baader Filters, Prompt 7 CTIO Chile,Ha-OIII-SII-RGB (Ha 7x40m, OIII 7x40m, SII 7x40m, R 6x20m, G 6x20m, B 6x20m) 80cm f/7 Astrooptik Keller corrected cassegrain, FLI Proline 16803, Baader Filters, Prompt 7 CTIO Chile, processing: Johannes SchedlerFind more information and more image versions in Hubble NB paletteHa-OIII-SII-RGB (Ha 6x20m, OIII 7x20m, SII 7x20m, R 4x20m, G 4x20m, B 4x20m) 80cm f/7 Astrooptik Keller corrected cassegrain, FLI Proline 16803, Baader Filters, Prompt 7 CTIO ChileStandard color palette with insert in Hubble color palette in 200% sizeThe Red Rectangle Nebula, so called because of its red color and unique rectangular shape, is a protoplanetary nebula in the Monoceros constellation.

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planetary nebula color