michael porter biography

michael porter biography

), Competition, Competitive Advantage, and Clusters: The Ideas of Michael Porter (pp.

Le modèle des « cinq forces de Porter » a été élaboré en 1979 par le professeur de stratégie Michael Porter. London: Edward Elgar.Speed, Richard J. He serves as an advisor to business, government, and the social sector.

It was at Princeton that he was elected to Phi Beta Kappa and Tau Beta Pi. He received the first ever Lifetime Achievement Award from the U.S. Department of Commerce for his contribution to economic development, and has been elected an Honorary Fellow of the Royal Society of Edinburgh and other honorary societies. The book is based on studies of ten nations and argues that a key to national wealth and advantage was the productivity of firms and workers collectively, and that the national and regional environment supports that productivity. Photos will open in a new browser window. In 2000, he was named a University Professor by Harvard University, the highest recognition that can be awarded to a Harvard faculty member.Click images for high-resolution stills. His research approach—applying economic theory and competition thinking to complex systemic problems—reflects these multidisciplinary foundations. Il est professeur de stratégie d'entreprise à Harvard où il dirige aujourd'hui l'Institute for Strategy and Competitiveness. Il est l’un des experts les plus reconnus et respectés dans les domaines de la stratégie d’entreprise et de la compétitivité des pays et des régions. • Michael Porter currently leads the Institute for Strategy and Competitiveness at Harvard Business School – Accessed October 15, 2012 Biographie Michael Porter Né en 1947 dans le Michigan, Michael Porter est diplômé de Princeton et de Harvard. In Robert Huggins & Hiro Izushi (Eds. Michael Eugene Porter was born on May 23, 1947 in Ann Arbor, Michigan, United States. Institute for Strategy & Competitiveness Wells Prize in Economics from Harvard, and the Academy of Management’s highest award for scholarly contributions to management. Il considère que la notion de concurrence doit être élargie. He has worked with heads of state from around the world on economic development strategy.Michael Porter has founded or co-founded four non-profit organizations growing out of his scholarly work: The Initiative for a Competitive Inner City, which addresses economic development in distressed urban communities; the Center for Effective Philanthropy, which creates rigorous tools for measuring foundation effectiveness; FSG, a leading non-profit strategy firm conducting research and advising corporations, NGOs, and foundations on improving social value creation; and the International Consortium for Health Outcomes Measurement (ICHOM), which develops and publishes global standard sets of patient outcome by medical condition and drives their adoption and benchmarking globally.Michael Porter is the author of nineteen books and more than 130 articles. He is also an unprecedented seven-time winner of the McKinsey Award for the best Harvard Business Review article of the year. Michael Porter, né le 23 mai 1947 à Ann Arbor dans le Michigan, est professeur de stratégie d'entreprise à l'Université Harvard et consultant d'entreprise.

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michael porter biography