joseph cornell soap bubble set

joseph cornell soap bubble set

1903 - 1972. Joseph Cornell, Museum purchase made possible by the American Art ForumKeep in touch by subscribing to news and updates from SAAM and Renwick Gallery. (in artist’s hand) Joseph Cornell / 1948 / Upper level should contain / large blue glass marble,- / lower level, a wooden white / ball and a small (3/4”) blue / glass marble. collage on masonite

Visit the Smithsonian's website for Smithsonian American Art Museum and Renwick Gallery Stable Gallery, New York, 1967; sold to Lindy and Edwin Bergman, Chicago, 1967; partially given to the Art Institute, 1982; remaining percentage given to the Art Institute, 2006.Object information is a work in progress and may be updated as new research findings emerge.

See available sculpture, paintings, and works on paper for sale and learn about the artist. If contents in / glass become deranged they / may be set in order by remov- / ing top of box. Joseph Cornell American, 1903–1972 A soap bubble set box (1936, Hartford, Wadsworth Atheneum ; New York 1980–82, pl.

masonite, paper, paint, colored pencil, graphite, and ink mixed media: painted and stained wood, glass, shells, driftwood, and paper, assembled, glued, and nailed To help improve this record, please email Mrs. De Menocal Simpson, New York.

Untitled (Soap Bubble Set) encased a doll’s head, a clay soap-bubble pipe, a pale blue egg in a wineglass, four cylindrical weights, and a map of the Moon. carved and painted wood and plaster, synthetic fiber and buttons, wool cotton, feathers, and shell Object (Soap Bubble Set), 1941 "Joseph Cornell: Wanderlust" at Royal Academy of Arts, London (2015)

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joseph cornell soap bubble set