education (scotland) act 1872 gaelic

education (scotland) act 1872 gaelic

65. Any question or dispute regarding the election of a candidate shall be summarily determined by the sheriff of the county on the petition of any person interested having a legal title and interest to raise such question, and the determination shall be final; and unless and until the sheriff shall otherwise determine, the school board shall be deemed to consist of the members who have been declared by the returning officer to be elected, and the acts and proceedings of such board shall be deemed to be valid accordingly, and no subsequent declaration or finding that any member was not duly elected shall

It shall be the duty of every parent to provide elementary education in reading, writing, and arithmetic for his children, between five and thirteen years of age, and if unable from poverty to pay therefor, to apply to the parochial board of the parish or burgh in which he resides, and it shall be the duty of the said board to pay out of the poor fund the ordinary and reasonable fees for the elementary education of every such child, or such part of such fees as the parent shall be unable to pay, in the event of such board being satisfied of the inability of the parent to pay such fees, and the provisions of this clause shall apply to the education of blind children, but no such payment shall be made or refused on condition of the child attending any school in receipt of the parliamentary grant other than such as may be selected by the parent. With a view to greater efficiency and convenience in the institution and organization of schools and school boards under the provisions of this Act, a Board of Education for Scotland shall be and is hereby established, to endure for the term of three years from and after the passing of this Act, with power to Her Majesty, by Order in Council, made before

No part of the funds or revenues of a higher class public school within the meaning of the preceding clauses shall pass into the school fund, and no part of the expenses of any such school, except as herein otherwise specially provided, shall be paid out of that fund. 9. 2. If the managers or teachers of any school refuse or neglect to fill up the form required for the said return, or refuse to allow the inspector to inspect the school house or examine any scholar, or examine the school books and registers, or to make copies or extracts therefrom, such school shall not be taken into consideration among the schools giving efficient education. high a standard shall be maintained in all schools inspected by the said Department, and provided that no such minute shall be in force until it has lain for not less than one month on the table of both Houses of Parliament.

61. 2. of the 1872 Education Act. Contributions payable from the common good of the burghs in which they respectively exist. "Burgh school" shall include any school to which that term is now legally applicable, although it may be called an academy, or a high school, or a grammar school, or any other name, and any school established in a burgh by the school board thereof, or which is by this Act vested in and placed under the management of the school board of a burgh: Education (Scotland) Act 1872. 68.

A school board may permit any teacher of a public school to resign his office upon the condition of receiving a retiring allowance, and the said board may award and pay to such teacher out of the school fund such retiring allowance as they shall think fit: Provided always, that nothing herein contained shall affect the right under the existing law to a retiring allowance of any teacher appointed under the recited Acts, or any of them. Every public school, and every school subject to inspection and in receipt of any public money as herein-before provided, shall be open to children of all denominations, and any child may be withdrawn by his parents from any instruction in religious subjects and from any religious observance in any such school; and no child shall in any such school be placed at any disadvantage with respect to the secular instruction given therein by reason of the denomination to which such child or his parents belong, or by reason of his being withdrawn from any instruction in religious subjects. (5.) The time or times during which any religious observance is practised or instruction in religions subjects is given at any meeting of the school for elementary instruction shall be either at the beginning or at the end, or at the beginning and at the end of such meeting, and shall be specified in a table approved of by the Scotch Education Department. (2.)

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education (scotland) act 1872 gaelic