describe how the chandrasekhar limit would be exceeded and what would occur

describe how the chandrasekhar limit would be exceeded and what would occur

The limit is approximately 1.44 [7] solar masses for objects with typical compositions expected for white dwarf stars (carbon and oxygen with 2 baryons per electron).

His calculations soon brought him into conflict with certain distinguished astronomers, including Sir Arthur Eddington, who publicly ridiculed Chandra’s ideas.

(Note that the repulsive force between degenerate electrons is different from, and much stronger than, the normal electrical repulsion between charges that have the same sign. .

But this all changes when a star exhausts its store of nuclear energy and begins its final collapse.As the star’s core contracts, electrons are squeezed closer and closer together. If their combined mass is greater than the Chandrasekhar limit, the result could also be a type Ia supernova explosion.You can watch a short video about Supernova SN 2014J, a type Ia supernova discovered in the Messier 82 (M82) galaxy on January 21, 2014, as well as see brief animations of the two mechanisms by which such a supernova could form.Type Ia supernovae are of great interest to astronomers in other areas of research. Stars with masses of 8

For most of a star’s life, the density of matter is also relatively low, and the electrons in the star are moving rapidly. When this happens and the companion stars are sufficiently close, material can flow from one star to another, decreasing the mass of the donor and increasing the mass of the recipient. As long as the episodes do not increase the mass of the white dwarf beyond the Chandrasekhar limit (by transferring too much mass too quickly), the dense white dwarf itself remains pretty much unaffected by the explosions on its surface.If a white dwarf accumulates matter from a companion star at a much faster rate, it can be pushed over the Such an explosion is also called a supernova, since, like the destruction of a high-mass star, it produces a huge amount of energy in a very short time. Vehicles are closely packed, and a given car cannot move until the one in front of it moves, leaving an empty space to be filled.Of course, the dying star also has atomic nuclei in it, not just electrons, but it turns out that the nuclei must be squeezed to much higher densities before their quantum nature becomes apparent. Type II supernovae are also less consistent in their energy output during the explosion and can have a range a peak luminosity values.Now let’s look at an even-more mismatched pair of stars in action. Recall that during this time, the This collapse is the final event in the life of the core. Type Ia supernovae are produced by white dwarf stars in a binary star system that have exceeded their Chandrasekhar limit when the companion star dumps a lot of material onto them. A particular electron cannot change position or momentum until another electron in an adjacent stage gets out of the way. In the process, what remains of the star becomes one of the strange Because white dwarfs are far denser than any substance on Earth, the matter inside them behaves in a very unusual way—unlike anything we know from everyday experience. Let’s begin with those stars whose final mass just before death is less than about 1.4 times the mass of the Sun (In the last chapter, we left the life story of a star with a mass like the Sun’s just after it had climbed up to the red-giant region of the H–R diagram for a second time and had shed some of its outer layers to form a planetary nebula. A number of stars have more than one nova episode, as more material from its neighboring star accumulates on the white dwarf and the whole process repeats. )The electrons in a degenerate gas do move about, as do particles in any gas, but not with a lot of freedom. And because any isolated white dwarf below the Chandrasekhar mass is stable, all proposed mechanisms invoke a binary companion to explode the white dwarf. Eventually, a star like the Sun becomes so dense that further contraction would in fact require two or more electrons to violate the rule against occupying the same place and moving in the same way. Describe an astrophysical system, which can lead to this limit being exceeded and briefly describe the consequences. The core continues to shrink until it reaches a density equal to nearly a million times the density of water!
The evolution of such a binary system is shown in Figure 1. Gradually, however, the white dwarf radiates away all its heat into space.

The light it emits comes from this internal stored heat, which is substantial.
The white dwarf is an incredibly dense object with densities of about 1 000 kg per cubic-centimeter, or 10 9 Kg/m 3. There is an upper limit to the mass of an electron-degenerate object, the Chandrasekhar limit, beyond which electron degeneracy pressure cannot support the object against collapse.

The Chandrasekhar limit is 1.4 times the mass of the sun. The leading alternative mechanism scientists believe creates a type Ia supernova is the merger of two white dwarf stars in a binary system. If a star reaches its productive phase and is below the Chandrasekhar limit, it becomes a white dwarf. At this extreme density, a new and different way for matter to behave kicks in and helps the star achieve a final state of equilibrium.

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describe how the chandrasekhar limit would be exceeded and what would occur