cooper v aaron justia

cooper v aaron justia

Finding that these events had resulted in tensions, bedlam, chaos and turmoil in the school, which disrupted the educational process, the District Court, in June, 1958, granted petitioners' request that operation of their plan of desegregation be suspended for two and one-half years, and that respondents be sent back to segregated schools. "Aaron v. The constitutional provision, therefore, must mean that no agency of the State, or of the officers or agents by whom its powers are exerted, shall deny to any person within its jurisdiction the equal protection of the laws. . Cooper." But the compassionate wisdom of Lincoln's First and Second Inaugurals bequeathed to the Union, cemented with blood, a moral heritage which, when drawn upon in times of stress and strife, is sure to find specific ways and means to surmount difficulties that may appear to be insurmountable. Accessed 27 Jul.

Our kind of society cannot endure if the controlling authority of the Law as derived from the Constitution is not to be the tribunal specially charged with the duty of ascertaining and declaring what is "the supreme Law of the Land." The constitutional rights of children not to be discriminated against in school admission on grounds of race or color declared by this Court in the 8. VI, 2, as declared by the organ of our Government for ascertaining it, does not require immediate approval of it, nor does it deny the right of dissent. They were then replaced by federalized National Guardsmen who remained throughout the balance of the school year. Under a plan of gradual desegregation of the races in the public schools of Little Rock, Arkansas, adopted by petitioners and approved by the courts below, respondents, Negro children, were ordered admitted to a previously … Facts.

The next school day was Monday, September 23, 1957. The detailed plan formulated by the Little Rock School Board, in the light of local circumstances, had been approved by the United States District Court in Arkansas as satisfying the requirements of this Court's decree in "14. Whoever, by virtue of public position under a State government, . §§ 80-1519 to 80-1524. . But it should go without saying that the vitality of these constitutional principles cannot be allowed to yield simply because of disagreement with them. Shifting Scales; Body Politic; Tour; Argument 2.0; Lawyer Directory; LII Supreme Court Resources; Justia Supreme Court Center; Cooper v. Aaron . § 80-1525, and a law establishing a State Sovereignty Commission, Ark.Stats. It necessarily involves a claim by the Governor and Legislature of a State that there is no duty on state officials to obey federal court orders resting on this Court's considered interpretation of the United States Constitution.

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cooper v aaron justia