common ground ecovillage

common ground ecovillage

(For directions, click here) Our hope, our work, our great venture, the project draws us so strongly to each other. We ask you to fill out the JOIN (Jump On IN) Form, which initiates the process of thinking about living in community. This beautiful 112-acred portion of the Piedmont is graced with rich pastures, woodlands, wetlands, a spring-fed pond and a substantial creek which flows into the Eno River. One definition of ecovillage reads: "A human-scale full-featured settlement in which human activities are harmlessly integrated into the natural world in a way that is supportive of healthy human development, and can be successfully continued into the indefinite future (Gilman, 1991)." If this is your idea of a life fully lived, we invite you to show up and join us here! To do that we have invested in some larger equipment, like a tractor, and a shed has been built to cover farming equipment. These will range from kitchen gardens to row crops and a greenhouse &/or hoop house, from pastures to orchards, to forest-grown mushrooms & medicinal plants and selective timber harvesting. Several of our avid naturalist members have been combing the property year-round to discover, photograph, and identify species from spiders and dragonflies to flowers, trees, and mushrooms.

We view all of the Common Ground land as an integrated ecological system with opportunities for producing food and materials throughout. The parcel is about 2/3 of a mile long going east to west and about 1/5 of a mile deep from north to south, althouThe history of human occupation on this land is deep, rich, and fascinating. Common Ground Ecovillage Farm & Forest. This is our first step in exploring your association with Common Ground Ecovillage. Another definition expands by noting that an ecovillage also “regenerates the social and environmental… Common Ground Ecovillage has a strong core of committed members who are giving of their time, talent, and resources to building a community together. We are a growing group of individuals and families from the Triangle area, ranging in age from 20’s to 70’s. … This beautiful 112-acred portion of the Piedmont is graced with rich pastures, woodlands, wetlands, a spring-fed pond and a substantial creek which flows into the Eno River. There are other kinds of common ground too. If you have photos/species you'd like to see here, send… Common Ground Ecovillage land spans several different ecosystem zones which host a wide variety of creatures and plants. Common Ground Ecovillage – our dream of a regenerative farming community – is becoming reality on 112 acres of fields, forests, and streams just west of North Carolina’s Triangle area. “It’s is an active garden where Margret Mueller and Jeffry Goodrum, who are farmers and members of the Common Ground EcoVillage, have been our guides to getting this chunk of land under cultivation. One is the common intention that grounds and unites us, the village-in-the-land we mean to build. It will be a rural village; a close community with space to roam for folks of all ages and walks of life. Common Ground Ecovillage is nestled midway between Mebane and Hillsborough just west of the North Carolina Triangle area. It’s the common ground of our dreams, the place where our hearts become one. Common Ground Ecovillage is an evolving community planned for a beautiful 112-acre expanse of fields, streams and woods located 10 miles west of Hillsborough in Orange County, NC. Except for a few retirees, we have middle-class jobs in the area as teachers, farmers, business managers, computer technicians, artists, musicians, and more. Common Ground Ecovillage is nestled midway between Mebane and Hillsborough just west of the North Carolina Triangle area.

(For directions, We are dedicated to conserving, restoring, and re-generating this land so that it will remain life-giving for all inhabitants- human and more-than-human- for generations to come.The site is comprised of 112 acres of gently sloping woodland, pasture, field and streams, and is about 80% forested. It will be a rural village; a close community with space to roam for folks of all ages and walks of life.At Common Ground, we are engaging with many of the core issues of our time in ways that are creative, energizing, challenging, innovative, meaningful, and fun. We welcome you to attend our workdays and collaborative skills trainings, and to observe our circle meetings, where much of the … Common Ground Ecovillage – our dream of a regenerative farming community – is becoming reality on 112 acres of fields, forests, and streams just west of North Carolina’s Triangle area. We’re also interested in how you learned about us, and your level of interest.

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common ground ecovillage