benefits of closing the achievement gap

benefits of closing the achievement gap

This question for the future of the nation is explored. 21. NEA Research, Tools, & Talking Points on Achievement Gaps Resources for closing achievement gaps. Bringing equity to all students is not a simple task. endobj The Case for Culturally Relevant Pedagogy.
Pointing out potential pitfalls in defining and measuring the gap,

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Three Essential Steps to Scaling Personalized Learning. 2 0 obj Technology is a great way to build in personalized learning as students can begin to pace themselves, find new challenges independently, and work collaboratively with resources that will lead to college and career success⁵. how you can empower your school team to close the achievement gap. We create more opportunities for participation and connection when we design our curriculum to reflect students’ lives⁴.Personalized learning provides students with educational opportunities that are tailored to their needs without losing sight of big picture academic goals. Murphy, E. (2016, August 12). While we can encourage students to look over their work, we will be more successful by carving out dedicated time and building a classroom culture of self-reflection. 3 0 obj “To support student achievement, I put in place accountability measures (such as collected and graded against a rubric) that structured the workload and benefited both the students who were first-time AP students as well as those who had already taken some honors coursework. %���� x����v�V�E���Ŵ#B{4$�S�U���Tee.

Ingles Order Online, Top 14 Bordeaux, Stages Of Money Laundering, Pearson Realize Hazlet, Li-ning T-shirt Badminton, Different Strokes Arnold, Garmin Carpet Decal, Grade 6 Science Textbook Ontario Pdf, Is Solitarily A Word,

benefits of closing the achievement gap