The Good War

The Good War

Reichstag speech of Dec. 11, 1941. / 39A nation should go to war only after prudent consideration, after carefully weighing the possible consequences, and only for the most compelling of reasons, after all other alternatives have been exhausted, and as a last resort. The three Allied leaders accomplished what they accused the Axis leaders of Germany, Italy and Japan of conspiring to achieve: world domination. The selfless dedication demonstrated by the Communist Party during the war years further solidified the trust, respect and love it enjoys among the Soviet people." Lewis H. Lapham, "America's Foreign Policy: A Rake's Progress," 37.

American schools, the US mass media, government agencies and political leaders have for decades carried on a campaign of emotion-laden, one-sided propaganda to uphold the national mythology of World War II. The ultimate purpose was to remove a potential menace to themselves, and thus ensure their own security. Fuller to write: / 35"What persuaded them [Roosevelt and Churchill] to adopt so fatal a policy? It soon became apparent, though, that this solemn pledge of freedom and self-government for "all peoples" was little more than empty propaganda. On Oct. 25, 1941, US Assistant Secretary of State Adolph Berle told Americans that Hitler and the Nazis "planned to conquer the entire world."

Murray N. Rothbard, "Harry Elmer Barnes, RIP," 39. In August 1945, the prestigious British weekly, Among those who were not happy about the war's outcome was British historian Basil Liddell Hart, who wrote: "... All the effort that was put into the destruction of Hitlerite Germany resulted in a Europe so devastated and weakened in the process that its power of resistance was much reduced in the face of a fresh and greater menace – and Britain, in common with her European neighbours, had become a poor dependent of the United States. "In 1940, shortly after he was named prime minister, Winston Churchill spelled out, in two often quoted speeches, his reasons for continuing Britain's war against Germany. Poland was not saved ... Much of our Western culture was destroyed. In the outcome, they failed in both purposes.

We hazard to reply – blind hatred! In going to war against Germany, the British and French leaders transformed what was then a geographically limited, two-day-old clash between Germany and Poland into a continental, European-wide conflict. "In 1945, the United States inherited the earth ... At the end of World War II, what was left of Western civilization passed into the American account. It has helped greatly to support and justify a series of arrogant US foreign policy adventures, with harmful consequences for both America and the world. 10.

In 1941 President Franklin Roosevelt, together with British prime minister Winston Churchill, issued a formal declaration of Allied war aims, the much-publicized "Atlantic Charter."

While the US and Soviet Union each sought for decades to secure hegemony in its own sphere of influence, the two "super powers" were also rivals in a decades-long struggle for global supremacy. / 12Paul Fussell, a professor at the University of Pennsylvania who served in World War II as a US Army lieutenant, wrote in his acclaimed book An important feature of this "sanitized" view is the belief that whereas the Nazi German regime was responsible for many terrible war crimes and atrocities, the Allies, and especially the United States, waged war humanely. / 7How strange those words sound today.
In recent years, American political leaders have tried to gain support for war against Iraq and Iran by drawing historical parallels between Hitler and the leaders of those two Middle East countries.

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The Good War